Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Quote of (the green part of) the Day

"We all rely upon the products and services of nature, both to supply us with raw materials and to assimilate our wastes."

-from the introduction to "Sharing Nature's Interest: Ecological Footprints as an indicator of Sustainability."
posted by carlito sway at 11:58 0 comments

Quote of (a little bit later in) the Day

"As soon as an older wife loses her fertility, she is cast aside like a fading elephant culled from the herd..."

hbo has a new melo drama "big love"- filling the post soprano/6 feet under 10pm void- about mormans and their polygamous ways, sponsored by tom hanks, and staring chloe sevingy. so, lets see... mmm? weird.
posted by carlito sway at 09:09 0 comments

Quote of the Day

"First, the Government´s presentation falls woefully short of demonstrating that the requested information will lead to admissible evidence. This burden is unquestionably the Government´s. Rather than meet it, the Government concedes that Google´s search queries and URLs are not evidence to be used at trial at all. Instead, the Government says, the data will be "useful" to its purported expert in developing some theory to support the Government´s notion that a law banning materials that are harmful to minors on the Internet will be more effective than a technology filter in eliminating it.

a portion of the introductory statement from googles response to the governments queries for logs of our use of google. it even SOUNDS like bush wrote the request...
posted by carlito sway at 08:44 0 comments


Quote of the Day

"Your karma check for today:

There once was a user that whined,
his existing OS was so blind,
he'd do better to pirate, an OS that ran great,
but found his hardware declined.

Please don't steal Mac OS!
Really, that's way uncool.

(C) Apple Computer, Inc."

apparently when you hack OS X, this message pops up, depending if you can get deep enough. i think os x has been out for 6 years now? so thats not bad apple, a hidden message- an easter egg, so to speak- left untouched for 4 discernable builds... cool.
posted by carlito sway at 08:19 0 comments


London time, about 4 months behind

apparently most us movies take another 4 months to come out here, unless they involve british people. but you can catch up with SOME of the things that are going on (especically if you dont watch tv, or go to movies here, like me) by going to

its an ok selection, i must say. but you can see what is sort of happening in the world of film, and not just in the us- i think actually the hosting only depends on if you want to have a quicktime movie (vs real, or wmp).

i found on the outs which looks pretty good, depending on how much of the story is real or beleivable.

also interesting, was the intersection between hot (natalie portman-but doing a bad english accent) and comics (dc), in V for Vendetta. just like sci-fi, no matter how bad it is, im a sucker for comics turned movies. ive never even heard of whatever comic this is, but somehow the fantasy of it is just so capturing...
posted by carlito sway at 22:14 2 comments


Burnin' Grass

apparently the president (and his predidency) are now staunch pro-environmentalists. but similar to sustainability in business, its about money, its about possitively enhancing the bottom line, not saving the earth. it just so happens that the earth will be spared (or less hurt) along the way.

currently, el presidente (not to be confused with the quality brandy) has said we need to move our dependendancy from arab oil, to Switch Grass, a hearty strain of grass thats deep root both hold valuable top soil in place (preventing erossion), while filtering pesticides from water. while it is used to feed various livestock, it can be reduced to ethanol, and it looks pretty in floral arrangements.

click here for the nytimes article.
posted by carlito sway at 09:58 0 comments


What is a Fonero?

Google and Skype have decided to hold investment-hands, in backing Fon, a spanish startup that is sorta like googles free wifi initiative for san francisco, but on a global level.

go to their site to see how it works, kinda interesting.
posted by carlito sway at 10:09 1 comments