Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Quote of the Day: Observation on H. S. Thompson

"In [a New York] Times Magazine article, published in 1967 shortly before the "Summer of Love" and entitled The Hashbury is the Capital of the Hippies, Thompson wrote in-depth about the hippies of San Francisco, deriding a culture that began to lack the political convictions of the New Left and the artistic core of the Beats, instead becoming overrun with newcomers lacking any purpose other than obtaining drugs.

-from wikipedia's article on him.

sounds so familiar, as if this same social disease - apolitical, creatively lacking, drug-laden youth brigade - carries on today, and continuously, throughout all the ages since of western culture.
posted by carlito sway at 07:45 0 comments


New Baby Approaches Roadworthyness!

The Penguin (the working title for my nicer ride) must now take on a different name and title, because it has almost acheived the intended level of glory it had destined so long ago!

Now, its only components lacking are toe clips (cages), straps and a (better) seat... all in good time... all in good time...

check out the bike through out its various states here.
posted by carlito sway at 16:35 0 comments


Jesus was a Polyhedron.

posted by carlito sway at 11:38 0 comments


DJ B MINUS and DJ C PLUS, aka Benito Y Carlito throw an entirely new night at the church of red, aka REDCHURCH...


EVERY WEDNESDAY! with tonight marking the OFFICIAL 1st month completed, and tucked fully under our belts (amongst other things).

Come see B- / C+ play more types of music than you new existed - and all BACK TO BACK!


posted by carlito sway at 11:06 0 comments