Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Problem Solved: Spiral Bound HELL!

i saw this cute asian girl in class with one of these a few weeks back and i never knew where she got it, assuming it came from one of those Japanese Devils. Japanese Devils is a slang term for Ingenius Japanese Designer, usually used during jealous rage with the subtext being "why didnt i think of that!?!?!" so i asked her and she said "oh i got it at WH Smith" which is just some generic store like Savons or something.

its just a tablet of paper.

but its a tablet of paper with infinitly rotateable contents that never gets creased all wierd because it was in your backpack that you fell asleep on during the busride home.

the hinge is just a button sized T track, bent into a circle.
posted by carlito sway at 12:38

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