Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Sorry for the delay

these past weeks have been HECKTIC! since my last post, ive moved to central london, been to denmark and back, had a 2000 word assignment, attended a plethra of lectures and meetings, set up a clients website (check it out, i got it so he can blog to his front page, so i dont have to and dealt with way too many internet problems (it just got set up, so you know what thats like...).

anyways, this week, ive got 6000 words due on monday, so ill be hektic up to my necktic. but i saw this link when researching some design stuff, and thought WHY NOT. i like what they stand for, and in many ways already support their motives, just didnt know the term also refered to a group.

check out "slowfood", just added to the "companies i support" links, on the right.

note: things to come- this blog will be incorporated into the new build version 9.2.0 when ever i can get that to go live. unfortunately all next week is presentations for our projects, then im off again to the south of france to go skateboarding at the world famouse Marseille skate park. hope its warm down there. i might end up in milan on the following week, so i have no idea when im going to get this site to a state of completion... sigh... always tomorrow... but thats why my new moto is "be productive", so when ever i have down time, that means i should be not having it. see?


ps. ciao came from a 1920s italian dialect alteration of schiavo ‘(I am your) slave,’ from the medieval Latin sclavus ‘slave.’ why people thought it would be "cool" to say "slave!" everytime they came or left, i have no idea.

pps. i picked up one of those ghost looking things on the top right in denmark. its a bottle opener from alessi. its pretty cool, but has nothing to do with denmark, ironically.
posted by carlito sway at 19:10

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