i suppose its the moment where you realise your not alone, or that maybe your opinion is somehow validated by the fact that someone else thinks similar, but i always enjoy finding out that something i do is not neccesarilly me being wierd, but its actually part of a larger mind set, or way of living, or way of doing. Take for example my
old fixie; when ian suggested we use a bmx lever because of its location and size, it just sounded like a good idea. but then, from perusing the legions on
the fixed gear gallery i discovered this efficient solution is quite ubiquitous (assumedly
because of its efficient/logical nature).
the same can be said of my newest discovery, the method of living known as "
voluntary simplicity." once, an exgirlfriend of mine commented, upon initial sight of my room, "gawd, you dont have much; most people have tons of stuff." although i laughed, i remember thinking 'and i feel like i have to much...'
upon my departure from SF, i sold a dramatic percentage of my possentions, relieving my self of what seemed like the majority of the bulk (car, couch, chairs, 2 bicycles, snowboard (and gear), bed, 300+ cds, a huge pile of clothing, etc). with me came my laptop, my bag and one suitcase (involving clothes, and a scanner). now my possentions have increased to a(n inherited) bicycle, a guitar and one mattress. i suppose i also own some speakers, a table, some chairs and a few random items through out the house, but all these items have been
found on the street, so i quantify them as "
owned by the street" and for the time being, are only "
under this houses supervision" untill they return to the system, from whence they came.
i like the description wikipedia gives for ones personal reasoning: "
Some may emphasize an explicit rejection of "westernized values
", while others choose to live more simply for reasons of personal taste, a sense of fairness or for personal economy."
heres one i remember thinking, when MTV stopped playing AMP and started allowing in the refuse they call programing (as defined by "jackass", which i will not dignify with a capital):"
Most advocates of voluntary simplicity tend to agree that cutting out, or cutting down, on television viewing is a key ingredient in simple living. Some see the internet, podcasting, community radio or pirate radio as viable alternatives.well thats for damn sure. i often get suprized looks when i mention that not only do i
not have a tv, but i also dont read a news paper.
i get my media by choice, by the internet.