Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Quote: Scandinavia wasnt Built in a Day.

"The Norwegian word Dugnad (pronounced doog nahd) describes a special way of doing voluntary, communal work. When someone needs a hand, either to clean out the garage, prepare the garden for winter or to build an extension to their cottage, they call together neighbors, friends and family for a working party. Serving soda and snacks during work and perhaps a beer when all is done, the Dugnad is a social event as much as it has been an important tool for building Scandinavia and its social relations."

- from, a site promoting two socially / community based firms that do projects solely to benefit communities. although, i suspect from the amount of norwegians, swedish and danish that i have met, a 'dugnad' will involve WAY more than "one" beer, and wont be restrained to "when all is done." ha ha ha
posted by carlito sway at 19:31 1 comments


Los Nuevos Urbanistas: Hablas VERDAD!

new urbanism is a movement to restore any residential community of any size to its pre-car purity, but with a modern twist; the spacing is based on two key principles 1) easily and centrally located community space accessible to all, and 2) streets and layout systems that focus transit on bipedal, bicycle and public transit (primarilly underground rail systems, as buses require large streets).

on the top right is a shot of Prospect New Town, colorado, exemplifying 'aggregate and detached housing,' the combination of which increases population densities to the point where local, street level commercial space becomes sustainable and then- as a result- allows foot travel to and from, demoting the need for a heavy petro-fueled transit.

on the bottom right, we have a shot of Bo01, a similarly themed new development in Malmo, Sweden. in the case of bo01, the entire project was built to demonstrate sustainability in action, with effecient everything, is solar powered (pv and wind) and even has built in waste management systems that convert sewage into fuel.

the changes are happening now.

michael bruangart and william mcdonough, of 'cradle to cradle' fame, promote a notion that ray c anderson (ceo of interface, inc) backs, giving hope to those designers just coming of age:

the three R's stand for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. there should be a forth, enacted before all three-'Redesign.'
posted by carlito sway at 10:26 2 comments


I Remember...

"during a trip [to music trader, the local used cd store] not long after i got my license, after school and in search of some electronica, i saw a girl i knew from school, Lauren (who lived off cannon), who claimed knowledge of the album i was listening to at the time- "Colours" by Adam F.- i consequently bought the album, asked her out, and dated her for the rest of my 11th grade and into the adjacent summer, as she was the first girl i met who claimed any electronica awareness. i was wearing that dark and light blue 'dub' hoodie. i am now pretty sure she was just making it up, but none the less that memory, and of course that place, represent key moments in my musical growth. and of course its very romantic to claim to have dated a girl because you met her in a record shop."

-north county, san diego; spring 1998,
posted by carlito sway at 21:12 1 comments

Voluntary Simplicity

no, this photo has nothing to do with anything.i suppose its the moment where you realise your not alone, or that maybe your opinion is somehow validated by the fact that someone else thinks similar, but i always enjoy finding out that something i do is not neccesarilly me being wierd, but its actually part of a larger mind set, or way of living, or way of doing. Take for example my old fixie; when ian suggested we use a bmx lever because of its location and size, it just sounded like a good idea. but then, from perusing the legions on the fixed gear gallery i discovered this efficient solution is quite ubiquitous (assumedly because of its efficient/logical nature).

the same can be said of my newest discovery, the method of living known as "voluntary simplicity." once, an exgirlfriend of mine commented, upon initial sight of my room, "gawd, you dont have much; most people have tons of stuff." although i laughed, i remember thinking 'and i feel like i have to much...'

upon my departure from SF, i sold a dramatic percentage of my possentions, relieving my self of what seemed like the majority of the bulk (car, couch, chairs, 2 bicycles, snowboard (and gear), bed, 300+ cds, a huge pile of clothing, etc). with me came my laptop, my bag and one suitcase (involving clothes, and a scanner). now my possentions have increased to a(n inherited) bicycle, a guitar and one mattress. i suppose i also own some speakers, a table, some chairs and a few random items through out the house, but all these items have been found on the street, so i quantify them as "owned by the street" and for the time being, are only "under this houses supervision" untill they return to the system, from whence they came.

i like the description wikipedia gives for ones personal reasoning: "Some may emphasize an explicit rejection of "westernized values", while others choose to live more simply for reasons of personal taste, a sense of fairness or for personal economy."no, this photo has nothing to do with anything.

heres one i remember thinking, when MTV stopped playing AMP and started allowing in the refuse they call programing (as defined by "jackass", which i will not dignify with a capital):"Most advocates of voluntary simplicity tend to agree that cutting out, or cutting down, on television viewing is a key ingredient in simple living. Some see the internet, podcasting, community radio or pirate radio as viable alternatives.

well thats for damn sure. i often get suprized looks when i mention that not only do i not have a tv, but i also dont read a news paper.

i get my media by choice, by the internet.
posted by carlito sway at 17:16 1 comments


HO-LY CRAP: The Black Mac

I dont know what to do!

Apple has gone and made a black computer.

im geekin out!

two best features:
1) non-moving-part magnetic closure and
2) E-Z slide in/out hdd access

check this comprehensive review from the fellow nerds at ars technica or check it.

...i am literally salivating.
posted by carlito sway at 16:12 0 comments

Sustaindanavia: Biomega

A portmanteau of Sustainability and Scandinavia, todays title is meant to encompass a number of things: Since ive recently redefined Sustainability (with a capitol S) as based on Logic and Efficiency, this applies beautifully to most scandinavian design, as especially todays subject, Biomega.

Not even knowing this company existed before about 24 hours ago, i just did some research, as i just found the note i had written to my self (it was on the back of my left hand). The reason i noticed them in the first place has to do with their odd mechanics; visiting a bicyle shop, i noticed someones ride that was apparently in for maintenance or something. upon closer inspection i noticed one of the rear frame arms (the part that goes from crank to rear axel, on the right side) was a completely detachable and large tube with larger mechanical-housing looking things on the ends. then i realized the bicycle had NO chain. from their website i got:

Our shaft drive is a unique Biomega innovation. A special integrated transmission offers a host of advantages: no greasy trousers, hardly any maintenance and extreme durability. Tech-heads: this shaft has less transmission loss than the average chain - where chains rust and destroy your jeans, the shaft just gets smoother and smoother. ... Gear heads will enjoy another feature: a 7-speed internal gear hub from Sram, with a 303% gear range, and an optimised and T6 heat-treated transmission designed for ease of maintenance and grease-unfriendliness.

then i got pretty much their official Mission statement:

Biomega Street is the Scandinavian take on US Bad-Boy Culture... With cutting-edge design involving some of the world's leading industrial designers, combined with true innovations in bicycle technology, Biomega has elevated cycling to where it belongs – the choice mode of transportation for today’s urban dweller who demand the same degree of design style in their bicycle that one would expect in a fine sports car.

and finally:

The Copenhagen bicycle is the quintessence of Danish and Scandinavian design - minimalist and practical in its approach.

I recommend anyone check out this company, its coo' stuff...
posted by carlito sway at 15:07 2 comments


Quote of the Day: Postmodernism

"Jean-François Lyotard understood modernity as a cultural condition characterized by constant change in the pursuit of progress, and postmodernity to represent the culmination of this process, where constant change has become a status quo and the notion of progress, obsolete."

posted by carlito sway at 15:32 0 comments


Science Gets Tips from Comics, and Other Oddities of this Day and Age...

reading up on gary larson i found two ABSOLUTELY wonderous tidbits of information:


"The thagomizer is the arrangement of four to ten spikes on the tail of dinosaurs, like the famous Stegosaurus, in the clade Stegosauria. It was used to defend against predators. The term was originally a joke from a Far Side comic strip by Gary Larson, in which a group of cavemen in a lecture hall are taught by their caveman professor that the spikes were named in honor of the late Thag Simmons (the implication being that the Thagomizer was responsible for Thag's death, along with the typical Larson out-of-context joke that suggested cavemen might have modern surnames).

It has since been adopted as a genuine anatomical term, and is used by multiple palaeontological authorities, including the Smithsonian Institution."

the image caption reads "Now this end is called the thagomizer, after the late Thag Simmons."

and from

"The Horrendous Space Kablooie is an alternate term for the Big Bang, coined by Bill Watterson in his comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.

In one strip, Calvin says to Hobbes, "I've been reading about the beginning of the universe. They call it 'The Big Bang.' Isn't it weird how scientists can imagine all the matter of the universe exploding out of a dot smaller than the head of a pin, but they can't come up with a more evocative name for it than 'the Big Bang'? That's the whole problem with science. You've got a bunch of empiricists trying to describe things of unimaginable wonder."

Hobbes asks, "What would you call the creation of the universe?"

Calvin replies, "The Horrendous Space Kablooie!"

This term enjoyed a brief popularity in the scientific community and was widely used in informal communications (often abbreviated to "the HSK")."
posted by carlito sway at 15:26 0 comments


Quote of the Day

"But I can tell you this: the Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones. So I think that's the question in this room: Are you making stones?"

-William McDonough, on the topic of venture capitalism, how the oil age will not end because we are out of oil, and how the evolution of technology will help us move past. (Taken from an interview here.)

Bill is one of my personal heros, having what looks like the best looking CV this side of Ghandi... er, well, as far as eco work goes... First eco-fibers from Patagonia? He designed it. Green roofs? He designed it. First solar powered house? He designed it. Now hes moved up to entire cities (in china), while still working with small companies like Nike, and Gap, to create single building headquarters n such. One of his companies, MBDC, designs the chemical make-up of products like a completely sustainable textile plant in Swizterland (replete with 100% biodegradable textiles); a closed loop plastic that can be (and was) used for books, like his epic "Cradle to Cradle"; completely recyclable shoes for Nike (non-monstrous compounds), and the like...

Carbon Based proudly Salutes you, William McDonough.
posted by carlito sway at 19:42 0 comments

Quote of the Day

"The term totalist refers to the aims of the music, in trying to have enough surface rhythmic energy (often emulating pop) to attract unsophisticated listeners, but also to contain enough background complexity to satisfy connoisseurs."

-wikipedia on totalism. a sound that was developed in response to minimalism- and in parallel to post-minimalism- Glenn Branca (pictured) was one of its forefathers, teaching the likes of Thurston Moore and Page Hamilton, who later would form Sonic Youth and Helmut, respectively.
posted by carlito sway at 07:30 0 comments


Modern at 1.12 am.

flatmate nic just came back from a grueling 36 hour twin peaks marathon (*ahem* aptly named, on lynch's part, after two similarly heighted peaks in san francisco), organized by some hot, cross dressing, dvd-rental-store owning chic. apparently, the organizers opened up the event to any participants saying "if any of you are performers, please feel free to do your thing." midday yesterday, at about hour 8, as far as the show went, i got a call from nick requesting i bring a cable and a specific cassette tape for purposes only known to those partisan.

as i appeared, everyone else slowly oozed from the building, casualy placing lip to fag, hosting body language that would speak differently than their fake bald hair cuts, or tightly cut suits, or out of date fifties gear. there either was a requirement, or everyone unanimously volunteered to dress as characters from the show. long and short, i deliver a handfull of key goods to the performers that they later use to perform on, at 3am (nigh, 17 hours into it) involving a fake guitar and lots of red lipstick.

fastforward twenty four hallucinogenic hours after that, and the audience finds itself sitting in the quite rickedy seat of one carlos benjamin walker. on the table sits an almost empty bottle of teachers brand whiskey, adjacent to an almost empty can of beer, adjacent to an ever-full stereo speaker, currently belching the second part of steve reichs different trains. besides the fact that ive spent the last 20 minutes getting us back to now (by recapping where we were), we have listened so much goodness its rediculous. we heard penderecki. we heard john adams. we heard glass. we heard boulez. we heard...

welcome to the watch house, E2 6ET.
posted by carlito sway at 20:16 4 comments


Is he a Modern Rock God? or a German Monk?

well, hes certainly got cage under one arm, so theres something. which one he is, no one really knows. apparently, he is one of the players of a j. cage peice entitled "as slow as possible," which in this rendition, will take the next 634 years to complete. the peice already holds the record for the longest peice ever played, having started in septermber 2001, on cages birthday, only, it took more than a year and a half for the first note to be heard.

the peice starts off with a 20 month rest.
posted by carlito sway at 07:05 0 comments


Its a Balmy 75/23 today!

and i just discovered that the same event that caused the mormons to move to utah, also spawned the invention of the bicycle!

ths subject in dispute the "Year Without a Summer." apparently in april 1815 Mt. Tambora, on Sombawa, erupted for 10 days, spewing literally tons of ash and debris into the air (and killing 80,000 locals within days). that winter, most of europe was blanketed in dirty snow, while causing food outages all over the continent. by the next year the exessively darkened skies caused sommer to pass much like winter, killing crops around the globe. hit hard by the lack of food, the north eastern us folk decided to move west (the mormoms)- the photo above is of boston, mid july- if any one knows what the east coast is like during summer, thats a scary photo. in europe, engineer types - who had time and food- worked on 'horseless' methods of conveyance (the precursor to the bicycle).

read more here.
posted by carlito sway at 16:12 0 comments



man this is a crazy one:

TWENTY YEARS AGO i met my best friend while standing infront of my parents house. sensing years of fun ahead, i raced up to meet him; he sensing danger, raced away.

forever indellible in our mutual memories, we run endlessly around and around his mother, and his crying little brother.

today, adrock is 25, so im sure portland oregon is going to be on fire tonight!

happy birthday brother!
posted by carlito sway at 11:22 0 comments


where to begin... well, so, long ago, i had posted that i didnt like 1.5, preferring 1.0.7 as it correctly rendered text across everypage i visited. i uninstalled, and went back, only to return to 1.5 some weeks later with the original issue still persistent.

since safari registered pages correct (unlike this blog in firefox, as compared to, which correctly rendered exactly the same in both safari and firefox), i assumed this was a firefox issue. quite simply heres what happened: composing html would make my cursor get further and further ahead of where i was really typing, so if i had to backspace or move the cursor, is was impossible to tell where it really was (so if you had it blinking inbetween the T and W of inbetween, it would really be somewhere near the I). it would also give this extra spacing to paragraph text, and overlap text that had, say, a bold or italics tag on it, with adjacent, plain text. very annoying, not to mention hard to read.

finally, some research found the solution: somehow, during upgrades (of specifically 10.3 to 10.4), the system duplicates seemingly random fonts, which need to be "resolved" in order for BOTH safari and firefox to render correctly. this can be done by opening Font Book, command selecting all the bulleted fonts (that means there are duplications somewhere within) and going Edit > Resolve Duplicates.

the bbs seem to say this is a rare problem, but documented enough that this solution is known. now, i am happy, and i can correctly finetune the css for the blog (and site) to what is REALLY going on...
posted by carlito sway at 09:24 0 comments