Carbon Based

Daily Bread

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Product Survey: Meth Coffee

meth coffee co., of san francisco is presenting the world with their newest (and only) invention, the eponymous, Meth Coffee. apparently just plain arabica beans, with yerba mate added for extra boost, the products presentation is less than... appetizing. on the site, their is a two minute plus "advertisement" of a meth-coffee addict getting his fix any way he can. matching the videos grainy black and white visuals, the site seems to be less a real companies venture, and more a gimmicky capitalization on one of societies ills - addiction. pairing a life-degrading and paralizing addiction to that of one far less harmless - and far more prevanlent - is one thing, but to choose one that has similar effects? and then name the lesser after the worse one?

with a tag line such as theirs ("the original strong shit!"), a complete lack of variety (ground or whole - thats it) and the kind of appeal that makes me think bong shops will sell it, i doubt this brand is poised to take over any markets, let alone dent them. real coffee enthusiasts - the kind that buy peets, organic, fair trade and/or shade grown (like me) - will continue, unfazed by gimmicks and their gimmicky gimmickness.

as far as product goes, i think i might go so far as label this "bad design."
posted by carlito sway at 21:47

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