Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Quote of the Day: Rob Fleming, on Breasts, in High Fidelity, by Nick Hornby

"Attack and defence, invasion and repulsion... it was as if breasts were little pieces of property that had been unlawfully annexed by the opposite sex - they were rightfully ours and we wanted them back."

from hornby's classic tale of the self-loathing male, addictive yet sheepish. surprisingly, the movie rendition uses most of rob's - or, for that matter, dick and barry's - best quotes word for word, even using the intended intonations and pausing. really a very nice book and highly recommended.*

*note: just dont use my copy - its apparently been once owned by a messy-eating, clumsy-bathing, page-tearing type, and is either full of character, about to fall apart or both.
posted by carlito sway at 07:46
Anonymous Anonymous said...
...please where can I buy a unicorn?

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