Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Quote of the Day

"I went to france so my flatmate modded my iPod to run Linux." - Me, upon my arrival from a skate trip im Marseille.

apparently it was a test to see if the soft/hardware combo he wanted would work, and if so he would purchase his own 3g ipod; once he showed me how to reboot it into linux (repleat with the cute little penguin logo) it took me literally about 6 button pushes to crash it. i tried for months to get a stable build of linux to run on pandora, but installing linux on my ipod is another thing. although i have faith in linux, the man who did it has no know how whatsoever and only did it because he "read somewhere on the internet" that it would work for recording cd quality sound. OK, thats cool, but once again, not on my ipod.
posted by carlito sway at 09:04

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