Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


New Cards on the Burners...

need the skrill, gots to gets the new ID going, you know?

tell us what you think...

(post a comment, or email
posted by carlito sway at 08:22 1 comments



weve landed on the new server!

(in the distance, you can hear one solo cricket, accidently sounding off... ahhh, the depths of geekery...)
posted by carlito sway at 12:47 0 comments


hrm... testing to see if google figured out all this chaotic page swapping ive got going on to redirect to the carbonbased server...

bwah ha ha... we shall see...
posted by carlito sway at 12:34 0 comments


New content just added! Wuhoo!

a new photo, a new current and a new poster!
posted by carlito sway at 10:41 0 comments


Weekend Update, And I Gotta Blog...

actually thats not an affirmation, its an intent to, but whatever.

quick commands make life so much easier. mind, my desk is a plank of wood bearing a slightly larger resemblance to the base of my laptop, so mousing room is nigh non-existant. well, to be precise, there is room adjacent, BUT since my hands- necessarily- reside top side, using the keys at hand is simply logical and efficient. ha ha. here are some of my favorites:

command + Z, X, C, V =undo, take out, copy, and paste globally. best "i heart N Y" derivative t shirt i saw ever, was "i heart command z" where command was the little splatted fly looking loopy logo. good stuff.

command + tab = toggle open programs. toss in a shift and it works backwards.

command + ~ (tilde) = toggle windows of same program. usefull when tabbing (like in adium or firefox) doesnt work.

option + 3 = the £ sign. no longer will shift + 4 work ($). im in the wrong country.

command + left or right arrow = back and foreward in that tabs history, firefox. (in adium it toggles through tabs)

command + option + left or right arrow = scoot from one tab to the next. i use the broad side of my left thumb for the holding down, its nice and easy.

command + shift + R = hard reload (in firefox). similar to a cold reboot, this is a dry start where nothing from memory (cache) is used in building the page. usefull for web designers (and bloggers alike). cold booting gets its name from theoretically actually shutting down your computer for so long that it cools off. although this never really happens (specially if your in the midst of software updating and such) it does have a marked improvement on performance. i highly recomend the cold boot when updating operating systems, or installing heavy softwares (like CS2).
posted by carlito sway at 08:16 0 comments


Quote of the Day

"The Guild... was highly responsible for the standardization of religion in the Dune universe. The Guild members themselves were atheists, and only promoted this move to promote a stable societal order from which they could profit.

- taken from the wikipedia explanation of "The Spacing Guild", an elite monopoly of the space travel industry of the future (according to the universe of Dune), and thus the controllers of the inter-global economy. akin to the "G8", these are powerhungry, ruthless controllers who simultaneously instill religion into the masses to keep order.

sounds to familiar...
posted by carlito sway at 09:45 0 comments


World Cup and I cant be Bothered.

some game is happening that drives 5/6ths of the worlds inhabitants bonkers. the rest of us have this really rare moment, then, to enjoy all the places that would be packed, like parks or shopping centers or freeways.

the day ones are the best to, because they happen mid afternoon so- and especially when england is playing- everything goes... *silent*... its really nice.

hooray for world cup. even the haters love it!
posted by carlito sway at 15:19 0 comments


Ice cubes, Sweating.

"Woke up to the strange feeling of silence and nausea. i went back to sleep, only this time i woke to people on the streets, and i could hear vague mutterings through my wall.

It seemed like a good time to read 'Factotum.'

Out of the window, i was watching a man watching a man watching a squirrel. This became boring, so i got a carrot out of the fridge. When i returned to the window, a woman had appearing in the park, throwing off its banal balance. With her, hopping about, was a short, fat furry dog that more resembled a hairy sausage.

Upon noticing the first man, he galloped up - which was more of a woble-woble - barking as best he could. At that moment, you could tell it was an old beast, perhaps senile, and it didn't think a lot. I suspected he saw the man, and simply decided it was a good thing to bark at him, never fully envisioning so much as an attack, let alone a purpose.

More scared as i haven't seen for years, the man started yelling back at the dog - this short fat hairy barking sausage - doing his best impression of a bark, while frantically scrambling as high and away as he could get from the dog, stymied by the fact that you can only go so far on a park bench.

he knocks his groceries off the back side, a milk container goes tumbling, but unhurt. then the man goes tumbling over the back, still trying to scramble away, nearly losing it, swings his leg over, and catches him self, immediately rotating around to the far side of the bench.

he was careful to keep the bench in between him and the barking sausage.

the woman, the squirrel watching man, and i were all nearly wetting our pants at the shear comedic force presented by one scared man and an old- probably senile- barking sausage.

i became hungry and steamed some broccoli. i flavored it with some sweat habenero sauce, sent from new zealand. the tap water was unpleasant, and luke warm. i don't like cold days. your armpits still sweat, but your legs lose circulation.

my right leg became engulfed in tingles as the blood rushed back in. i had been sitting on the ground reading for nearly 3 hours and the nausea had come back."
posted by carlito sway at 10:44 0 comments


Quote of the Day

"The electric car is not for every body- it can only meet the needs of 90% of the population."

- senior dude at GM; taken from trailer to the up coming documentary "Who killed the electric car?"
posted by carlito sway at 14:14 0 comments



k so, obviously to be this excited about simply being hosted on a new server is a pretty geeky thing, but hell... IM stoked. besides, their are myriad benefits to the enduser. for one thing,

Version 9.2.0 is live!!!!!!


i can properly pop3 my email, without using gmail as a mask, but thats not fully worked out for now... will have to tweak away...

READERS: Please help us by clicking about and reporting bugs / broken things.

on the right it a totally unrelated picture of my fixie, from a photoshoot today. im going to post to ffg shortly, and i needed some glam shots. plus the bike will be converted to (i think) singled speed, but i cant tell if the upsides of coasting and controlable pedal position (good near curbs, or in hard turns) are infact superior to having a much stronger sense of control / integration with the bike in general.

more to come on that later...
posted by carlito sway at 13:13 1 comments


Weekend at The 'Shire

just posted a photo set to flickr covering our weekend getaway to some place far away, with lots of green rolly things throughout. check it

the shire...
posted by carlito sway at 20:26 0 comments

Brunel Masters Show

last week was our degree show test run sorta. we had to deliver draft #2 of our thesis, but we were slapped in the face by two rediculous constraints:

1) condense your work into a 6000 word package (i had about 20 000 to start with)

2) generate an A1 poster that then condenses those 6000 words to 150, yet still conveys your research.


so anyways, most of us got close enough that it didnt matter in the end (although mine was 11 500, technically speaking the last 5k or so was "appendices").

the show went really nicely, everyone was there, and it was really nice to have a sense of community about what we were doing: we werent alone. much to my astonishment, the quality of all the posters were much higher than i expected, if not simply because most of our classmates arent designers.

much to my chagrin, two fellow carbon basers featured carbon based graphics in their work- twan verdonck and dan winston- in a true show of commitment to a larger movement. or something. twans, of course, was the pigodivo logo, and dans- perhaps more interestingly- featured the trade mark skull; called Neanderthal Ned by some, Skully Skullerson by others, dans brilliant idea was that, as an organization, we should emplore a system wherein we tattoo the work with Ned, in the bottom right corner, demonstrating our connection, but not letting it overun the work...

genius man i tell you. you can JUST make it out on the bottom right...
posted by carlito sway at 10:56 5 comments


Quote of the Day

"...the project require[s] an extremely scaled-down operating system to enable the eventual machines to run at a decent speed, while using very little power. "About 25 percent of the cost of a (Windows) laptop is there just to support XP, which is like a person that has gotten so fat that they use most of their muscle to move their fat."

-Nicholas Negroponte, on the One Laptop Per Child program, commenting on how he's pissing Intel and Windows off by not including them (by using AMD and Linux), saying " if I am annoying Microsoft and Intel then I figure I am doing something right." evidently, he is not a windows fan, but then, who really is? most of us just use it because there is no option.
posted by carlito sway at 08:40 0 comments


Open Source Contributor, Extraordinaire.

and so this days passes uninhibited into the anals of history, much no ones note. it sounds so childish, even to me, the perp in question, but man i am just tickled over this.

i was discussing with a flatmate the nature of steve reichs 'electric counterpoint' peice, when i checked "the records" at wikipedia. i casually noticed that- unlike every other math rock or prog rock related entry- it was listed that steve had given influence to the "ROCK band king crimson" and i thought 'well thats interesting, one of my heros' pages is a bit outta whack." i quickly signed in, changed "rock" to "prog-rock" and clicked save.

moments later, my first contribution to wikipedia was visible. ohhh it feels nice... this marking my second contribution to the open source movement (the first involving mating a Via Epia mobo to an iBook cd/dvd drive, and overcoming the primary/secondary slave/master hardwirings it came with...yeah, esoteric. tell me about it), i strangely feel empowered making things a bit more connotatively-correct. yes i have miles to go, i know this. but still...

today, the geeks dance circles, and celebrate.

posted by carlito sway at 18:19 1 comments