Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Open Source Contributor, Extraordinaire.

and so this days passes uninhibited into the anals of history, much no ones note. it sounds so childish, even to me, the perp in question, but man i am just tickled over this.

i was discussing with a flatmate the nature of steve reichs 'electric counterpoint' peice, when i checked "the records" at wikipedia. i casually noticed that- unlike every other math rock or prog rock related entry- it was listed that steve had given influence to the "ROCK band king crimson" and i thought 'well thats interesting, one of my heros' pages is a bit outta whack." i quickly signed in, changed "rock" to "prog-rock" and clicked save.

moments later, my first contribution to wikipedia was visible. ohhh it feels nice... this marking my second contribution to the open source movement (the first involving mating a Via Epia mobo to an iBook cd/dvd drive, and overcoming the primary/secondary slave/master hardwirings it came with...yeah, esoteric. tell me about it), i strangely feel empowered making things a bit more connotatively-correct. yes i have miles to go, i know this. but still...

today, the geeks dance circles, and celebrate.

posted by carlito sway at 18:19
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

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