Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Ice cubes, Sweating.

"Woke up to the strange feeling of silence and nausea. i went back to sleep, only this time i woke to people on the streets, and i could hear vague mutterings through my wall.

It seemed like a good time to read 'Factotum.'

Out of the window, i was watching a man watching a man watching a squirrel. This became boring, so i got a carrot out of the fridge. When i returned to the window, a woman had appearing in the park, throwing off its banal balance. With her, hopping about, was a short, fat furry dog that more resembled a hairy sausage.

Upon noticing the first man, he galloped up - which was more of a woble-woble - barking as best he could. At that moment, you could tell it was an old beast, perhaps senile, and it didn't think a lot. I suspected he saw the man, and simply decided it was a good thing to bark at him, never fully envisioning so much as an attack, let alone a purpose.

More scared as i haven't seen for years, the man started yelling back at the dog - this short fat hairy barking sausage - doing his best impression of a bark, while frantically scrambling as high and away as he could get from the dog, stymied by the fact that you can only go so far on a park bench.

he knocks his groceries off the back side, a milk container goes tumbling, but unhurt. then the man goes tumbling over the back, still trying to scramble away, nearly losing it, swings his leg over, and catches him self, immediately rotating around to the far side of the bench.

he was careful to keep the bench in between him and the barking sausage.

the woman, the squirrel watching man, and i were all nearly wetting our pants at the shear comedic force presented by one scared man and an old- probably senile- barking sausage.

i became hungry and steamed some broccoli. i flavored it with some sweat habenero sauce, sent from new zealand. the tap water was unpleasant, and luke warm. i don't like cold days. your armpits still sweat, but your legs lose circulation.

my right leg became engulfed in tingles as the blood rushed back in. i had been sitting on the ground reading for nearly 3 hours and the nausea had come back."
posted by carlito sway at 10:44

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