Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Linux gets State Support: IBM, HP, & Intel

Thankfully, these three megacorps have decided to band together, and form an updated Linux Support group, uncreatively titled, "The Linux Foundation", which will pay Linus Torvalds (and a few others) a salaray to keep doing what they do. The Linux Foundation will be based on two previous groups - the Open Source Development Labs and the Free Standards Group - who will be inturn, folded into this new venture, and then begin the arduous process of positioning Linux to be more on par with Microsoft's Windows. Primarilly, this will include standardization and marketing, the later of which is one the biggest problems for Linux. Luckily, entire government bodies have seen the light have have switched over (Norwegia, Holland), so its only a matter of time untill the snowball starts rolling, and Linux picks up some much needed high-profile exposure.

(Pictured is Linus, with his namesakes logo, the Penguin.)
posted by carlito sway at 23:33 0 comments


roll 'em down for a bit of fresh air, honey

A couple in Donja Fustica, Kosovo, and their house, whose windows are made from car doors. Now that is a hell of way to demonstrate the second R in the Reduce/ReUse/Recycle paradigm I have come to live by. Way to go Kosovo!
posted by marcus farage at 05:24 0 comments


Logo Jock: V&A

just occured to me that i might showcase various Logo's that i think are absolutely splendid; one is the current Victoria and Albert Museum logo, which consists of, basically, a "V&A" but condensed slightly, so that the left side of the 'A' has been comandeered by the ampersand, so that what used to be part of the T in 'et' (aka, ampersand) is now the horizontal part of the A.

simply brilliant.
posted by carlito sway at 20:32 0 comments

Fashionistas Daily: Pyschobilly Code

"For psychobilly girls, the "uniform" consists of updated 1950s fashion fused with a punk-rock sensibility and pinup aesthetic. Many rockabillly girls have tattoos of 1950s pinups, Las Vegas-themed cards and dice, skulls, and especially cherries. They favor full crinoline skirts, powerful colors such as black, red, and bright pink, horizontal stripes, gingham, and animal prints. It is very common to see psychobilly girls wearing pompadour-styled bangs and bandannas as headbands."

- from

sound like hot mamas to me!
posted by carlito sway at 11:00 0 comments


A Band Apart: Logo Go Bust

one of quentin tarantino's more interesting conflagrations was the production company "A Band Apart", which got its name from the godard classic, "Bande a Part" (Band of Outsiders). although their site never did anything (besides having an URL and a logo), the company is credited with the majority of tarantinos, rodriguez's and a few others works.

sadly, they is now defunct, and their logo no longer used. graphically speaking, their logo is a testament to the power and strength potential within posterization. clean. classic. contemporary. fresh. evil. ; all things good, really.

here it is. may this glorious and simple logo, live on, saved in our collective memory banks and hardrives, forever entombed by little ones and zero's.
posted by carlito sway at 13:25 0 comments


Quote of the Day

Why so many media? “Some are better for saying a particular thing than others,” Mr. Byrne explained. “I think it’s also part of that punk do-it-yourself attitude, of being like: ‘Well, I don’t care that I’m not an expert in this. I know my limitations, but I think I can express what I want to express within those limitations.' "

- David Byrne, from the ny times article, Indie Rock's Patron Saint.
posted by carlito sway at 23:50 0 comments

Old School: Dads First Ride.

over this christmas break, my father and two unkles celebrated a once in a life time event, known simply as "180 Years of Excellence" - which was basically a showey title for the fact that all three of them would be turning 60 that year. as part of a gag gift for the trio, my mother and i got them each hot wheels cars that we thought suited them best. once my father received his - a '55 chevy (bel air) - he was immediatly made the most popular kid on the block (or, at least with the 50-and-ups). amongst the lengthy nostalgia discussions, was the quote, "man, i wish i could have the first THREE cars i ever owned!"

it then occured to me that i had no real visual clue on what these cars looked like exactly, so i asked him if he could get some similar photos, just so i could get the gist. randomly, there was a locals' car show, where he randomly recently popped these shots. pictured is ~1933 5 window coupe, that (save for the aftermarket wheels and a rumble seat intead of trunk) is exactly the same as his. his first car.

and what a looker...

heres to hoping that both of us, in the years to come, can have a sick old school "project car" that will keep us sane, amongst other things...
posted by carlito sway at 00:13 0 comments


Strange Photo Of The Day

here we can see a strange union: the leader of the ignorant, adjacent to a lord of imagination (with the leader of the ignorants wife in good form). george warshington bush delivers the 2004 national medal of arts to ray bradbury...

something about this just feels wrong... like, hes stealing some aspect of my youth... or, no, tainting it- taking something that i associate with, as pure and true, and tainting it, corrupting it... course its not that bad, he will still pack the halls of fame he always has, but... still...
posted by carlito sway at 00:37 0 comments


Product Survey: Meth Coffee

meth coffee co., of san francisco is presenting the world with their newest (and only) invention, the eponymous, Meth Coffee. apparently just plain arabica beans, with yerba mate added for extra boost, the products presentation is less than... appetizing. on the site, their is a two minute plus "advertisement" of a meth-coffee addict getting his fix any way he can. matching the videos grainy black and white visuals, the site seems to be less a real companies venture, and more a gimmicky capitalization on one of societies ills - addiction. pairing a life-degrading and paralizing addiction to that of one far less harmless - and far more prevanlent - is one thing, but to choose one that has similar effects? and then name the lesser after the worse one?

with a tag line such as theirs ("the original strong shit!"), a complete lack of variety (ground or whole - thats it) and the kind of appeal that makes me think bong shops will sell it, i doubt this brand is poised to take over any markets, let alone dent them. real coffee enthusiasts - the kind that buy peets, organic, fair trade and/or shade grown (like me) - will continue, unfazed by gimmicks and their gimmicky gimmickness.

as far as product goes, i think i might go so far as label this "bad design."
posted by carlito sway at 21:47 0 comments


Science Tip of the Day: Beers are Good with Chips and Salsa!

"Capsaicin is a nonpolar molecule, and is therefore hydrophobic. Consequently, drinking water to reduce the burning caused by the molecule is ineffective, as the nonpolar capsaicin is unable to dissolve in the polar water molecules, and is instead spread across the surface of the mouth. This works by the same principle that causes oil and water to separate.

Instead, consuming foods high in fats and oils, such as milk or bread and butter, will help alleviate the burning. The lipophilic capsaicin is able to mix freely with the fats in the food and is removed from the surface of the mouth. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages also dissolve capsaicin due to the solvent characteristics of ethanol. Of course, over time the capsaicin will dissipate on its own."

- from

so then, apparently, if your eating chips and hot salsa, and the salsa (or capsaicin) gets to you- and assuming you dont just happen to have a glass of milk, or, say, bread with butter - all you need to do is take a good long swig of that deliciously chilled beer - thats handily located in your left palm - and wash your troubles away! that proves it!

posted by carlito sway at 18:03 1 comments


Desktop: Mystique

heres a nice desktop image i built off a slightly smaller image of Nightcrawlers real - and Rogue's step - mother, Mystique. hooray for chicks in blue!
posted by carlito sway at 00:40 0 comments