Carbon Based

Daily Bread

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Linux gets State Support: IBM, HP, & Intel

Thankfully, these three megacorps have decided to band together, and form an updated Linux Support group, uncreatively titled, "The Linux Foundation", which will pay Linus Torvalds (and a few others) a salaray to keep doing what they do. The Linux Foundation will be based on two previous groups - the Open Source Development Labs and the Free Standards Group - who will be inturn, folded into this new venture, and then begin the arduous process of positioning Linux to be more on par with Microsoft's Windows. Primarilly, this will include standardization and marketing, the later of which is one the biggest problems for Linux. Luckily, entire government bodies have seen the light have have switched over (Norwegia, Holland), so its only a matter of time untill the snowball starts rolling, and Linux picks up some much needed high-profile exposure.

(Pictured is Linus, with his namesakes logo, the Penguin.)
posted by carlito sway at 23:33

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