Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Combat Carabiner: For All Those Urban(e) Needs

So pen with pencil boring? Pen with light boring? Pen with girl with disappearing bikini boring? Pen with stabby end boring?

So tactical pens aren't enough for you? Yeah, i agree, they aren't really that applicable to the rigors of daily life - i mean, pokey stabby bits are useful for getting that first rip started in packing tape when your opening a box, but keys or even the actual pen nib it self usually suffices. SO! How about tactical carabiners, eh? I mean, every hipster who has ever played hipster bingo (with their own custom version, of course) knows that the only way to cary keys AND wear painted-on-jeans is with the tried and true carabiner. Now, not only did i have one during my london travails, but i had it attached by a semi-retractable loop of KMC chain so that i only took it off when i went to bed. Because i carried keys to my flat, keys to my bike lock and a keys to the work building, not having to unhook and hook every few hours / new location was a real boon.

Now that fixed culture is hitting seriously high gear ratio, every facet of the life and life style is being made custom, just for it. Todays (or last months, or something) most recent offer is the Multi-Purpose Carabiner! Yay!

House of Commons offer us their latest, replete with multi-purpose blade, bottle opener (because you dont already have two on your keychain and one in your bag), and two completely uselessly small phillips and flatheads!

However, not to be outdone there is (and probly the original inspiration) the Kersha Jeeva Carabiner Knife... however, it appears to only come in safety-yellow (not be confused with nu-rave yellow), and without any of the other useless features of the HoC offering.

Uh-oh. But whats this?

Has HoC simply found the original manufacturer and rebranded for the sake of profits? Nice...

-HoC Carabiner available at Chari & Co, and the Kershaws at Botach Technical.
posted by carlito sway at 12:14

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