Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...



Originally sent to Sarah via Email: you remember that group that i listened to periodically (i think mostly prior to you, but im sure they popped up now and then) called lightning bolt? the group that tyler didnt like? so i was wandering arround tottenham court road checking out the guitar shops (very cool) and then heading to foyles book shop (perhaps cooler- 5 floors of non-corporate shelved books) and in the jazz music store that is housed within foyles' i picked up 'the wire' only to find a 3 or 4 page (and cover) article espousing lightning bolts fantastic upsides. when i just saw the cover i started laughing so loud that i bought it on the spot and read it for the next 3 hours. from foyles' i walked down this awesome little street that was like music alley or some shit, and i was feeling the need for the drink and the food, so i stopped over at "12 bar club" (a reference to the standard structure of blues) and asked if i could just get a pint here. apparently it was a 5 £ cover, but they guy was nice and siad 'yeah just a pint is fine' but then i got two and then i discovered that they sold food, so i then went back and paid cover, then went and ordered the bartender recomeneded "cheese burger and chips" while his assistant tried to convince me to touch her stomach. dont get that part either, but it happened. so then i went back to the front room (where i had been perched for the prior 2 pints) when i heard someone closer to the stage bearing room (a separate, off into the back area) go "hey lets sit in the back room so we can hear" the bands that were to be playing tonight. so i ate my burger, swept up my deeply engrossing magazine, and moved to the back room that looked like a snap shot from amber, kilowatt or delirium, save for the fucked up teeth, low class accent and periodic 17 yo walking about trying to act as if they blent in, but was still just comming out of that awkward 'im pimply faced and weirdly shaped' faze of young adulthood where your pubes start popping out and your balls drop. yeah, lots of funny sideways girly hats, long greasy hair, TIGHT black pants and ripped t shirts. as for me, i had TIGHT black pants, greasy short hair, a sideways manly hat (complete with its original little red feather thingy), leather wrist band and watch on same wrist, and i was reading... all while in a busy club. combine with stupidly fake blonde bleach job and NO one (even the most rockiest of rockers) gave me more than a "sorry mate" or a "pardon me mate." although actually the assistant girl did make conversation about 3 times, and it occured to me what she was probly thinking, but she was wearing a visor and that just ruined the whole thing. so then i got tired of the magazine, and went into the performance hall. first "band" that i saw was this headless zombie woman making obnoxious noises with her guitar, while her drummer kicked ass behind her, and then later was this 3 person group with a violinist (who curiously was reading her music live the whole time, as the other two clearly played rehearsed tunes) a females singer songwriter in lead (similar to the last band, if you could call her that much) and a "i just got back from the hill of deep canada" hat and playing a bass above the 12th fret effectively making him a guitar player playing bass but with the high end turned way low- giving it that wam bubly paul mccartney feel). they were pretty good. like that friend of a friends band that you actually enjoy supporting. but then i was supposed to meet up with flatmate jason so i bailded cuz i needed to put more money into my cell phone pay as you go plan, but then when i did he was not picking up, so i gave up and came home. points of the story: tyler doesnt like lightning bolt. tyler likes the wire alot. the wire likes lightning bolt (and their dvd that i had, called "the power of salad and milkshakes" referencing their dietary habits on the road during tour). i find this seeming incongruity just lovely. then i quickly thumbed through the magazine and saw the other acts that have graced (and in this case distressed) their cover- (relatively more) pop acts like le tigre, jef jux and radiohead. not that any of these groups are particularly bad (i/ve like/d them all here and there) or that the wire doesnt cover (relatively more) pop acts. but i do hold the wire to a higher degree and seeing that they do have these pop-esque people leaves me to question their sanctity.
posted by carlito sway at 21:53

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