Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Double Fisting at the Vice Bar

an interesting evening, sprouted from erlend making himself "busy," so i had to fend for meself.

michelle and "mel-e-mel" mellisa were out in the land of the shoreditch twats, chillen with some of their dudes at the griffin. as soon as i entered the door, the barman called "closed!" so we quickly relocated to a closet across the street. at first, the closet was pleasant, in that "hey this isnt such a bad place, if NO one else comes in..." kind of way, where if it was your local, you might entertain coming back now and again. and then more people got there. at this point, elbos rubbed wall, bar, backs, elbos and pretty much anything else that found it self sequesterd to elbo height. a few warm beers later, we decided the time was now, and made with the wind. next stop, pick-pocket lane.

we arrive at the (so far, to my knowledge) only vice owned, alcohol dispersion point on the planet. but to call it a pub (what it was before a bright neon "vice" sign went up) would be to imply standards and civility, where as the actual place was more like a mullet-adorned feeding frenzy;

one thousand chuck taylors stuck to the floor by a combination of beer and overly-sacharine mix drink combination spilt during revelry; a thrift shop worth of "vintage" leather jackets; an army of appropriately sideways haircuts; and, of course, a slew of "normal" looking people that basically serve the purpose of making the cool people look cool.

i remarked to the group "i feel like my wallet is going to get stolen." then i looked up and saw a sign that said "BE CAREFUL. PICK POCKETS OPERATE IN THIS AREA." after about 10 minutes of failed drink fetching (the hordes were thirsty), i managed a beer, only to discover that my group- whom id lost amidst the frenzy- was a bit to my left, and had purchased me a beer as well.

one of those bars that you think "hey! im not coming back here!" although i probly will, but for that level of ridiculous, why dont i just go to vibe bar? its much closer...

ps. i find it interesting that chuck taylors are the ubiquitous sub-brand of "converse all stars" that somehow every person in england has, yet doesnt seem to notice they are called that.
posted by carlito sway at 04:51

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