Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Sunday Market Cruize

ive had a cold for the past few days so, after a night of solid sleep, and then awaking to a cheezy "i know what you did last sommer" style nightmare, i decided for a stroll down Cheshire street. (it went something like "a bunch of girls and i had rented some beach stlye joint for the weekend, when the owner or past residient or something suddenly appeared with a vengence to kill. the killer, a slight short asian dude, didnt really seem all that threatening in hindsight, but it was one of those things where your brain tells you something more than you can see..." yeah... anyways.) since its sunday, the street has been taken over by gruff-voiced, snaggle-toothed cockney locals who havent seen a razor in this side of a month. and thats just the women.

oh but yes, it is a wonderous event to behold, the infamous brick lane markets. cheshire being the most northern of the lot, sort of operating as the top part of a T to bricklane, the other markets are strangely diverse; one is an "art" market, made of really bland, pastel-based creations ranging from tea sets and dish ware, to t shirst with pictures of cats on them, and scented soaps. another- which is a marked improvement over the last- is all about hand made goods. ive procured two curios there; a neo-holmes hat that usually gets a comment or two (and which i bought from the lady who made it); and a golden/yellow tie with a silkscreen of an exploded bicycle on it. random but fun, that market (spital fields) is usually good for an indepth peruse, potentially yeilding that awesome find, and boasting a wide range of delectable dishes fit for your change ladden pockets (aka, its cheap).

due to proximity, cheshire is the one for us, as we live about 80 feet north of its east end. for some reason, our end seems to be about dudes selling tools, nails, bolts, and all sorts of other manly things. the other stalls on our end tend to be just generic used goods, but there are some solid finds to be found- twice times ive found sets of glasses with multi-colored floral patterns just screaming to be taken home (but i didnt). further down and you get discount generic work clothing, t shirts for a pound, indian movies and dirty used clothing. further still (beyond brink lane, towards shoreditch high street, and you get to a propper market setting, with stands selling everything from bicycle parts to fruits n vegtables to discount cd players and packs of batteries.

and in case that isnt enough, heres a some photoes from my hood, about our local hero, Mr. Jack The Ripper...
posted by carlito sway at 06:17

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