Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Attaining Presents.

so matt (of bad designer fame) just dropped by the joint, and gave this to me!


he said he was just practicing at blowing up images, but still, its sick: its an A2 sized depiction of matt giving me a tattoo (track ring, with "fixed or die" below), sporting his signature hairstyle, and my signature sunglasses and stache; but im sporting an (as of yet) non-existant "san ..." tattoo, implicitly 'san francisco,' but then again, it could be 'san diego' or, hell, even 'santa clause.' we dont really know.

wicked matt. mad respect!
posted by carlito sway at 16:31
Blogger Matthew Giordano-Bibby said...
heh! haven't got the 'in-progress' pics of it on my blog yet, but i'm humbled by your post carlos. santa claus huh? ha! yer, should have written "Cisco" or some SF gang shit or something. har har! ... do they have gangs? um. yeah. glad you like it anyways.

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