Carbon Based

Daily Bread

A showcase of things we've done, things we like and other random rantings...


Divulging the Man Purse, or How to Beat the Urban Odds.

i just got back from the local mini-mart for a beer run, and i started wondering if i turned off my little blinky light thing. i checked (it was off), took it off a loop from the exterior of my timbuk2 bag and tossed it into one of its pockets. upon second though, i reexamined the bags contents and thought about the nature of why i bring all these funny little things with me all the time. i suspect its largely to do with my boyscout upbringing, where the moto is "be prepared"- although i bet i learnt best from forgetting, not preparing.

it then occured to me that a documentation of ones (well, my) bags contents would make for a good peice. not to mention that the man-purse faces wide adoption amongst many urban bound youths and post-youths, where the practicality of being prepared hours from home can pay off in spades. it is also worth while to note that the contents of the bag vary per required journey, but not by much. here we go:

Neccesary Evils:

  • 1) Deodorant. never leaves the bag, save for me' pits. good for school, cuz i never think to put it on before class.

  • 2) 2 pens. im always drawing on things and descibing things, and losing pens, so i have 2 for when i only have 1, ill still have 1 left.

  • 3) A small treasure of paper. mostly reciepts, some virgin pieces; this is good for the drawings.

  • 4) Tube Map. the only way i know the city, and the only way 90% of its inhabitants do.

  • 5) Blinky light thing. good for at night, and when riding a bycycle.

  • 6) Small assortment of Pills. normal ones like Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Benadryl are lifesavers. used to also have antihangover pills but, uh, i used those.

  • 7) Extra Contacts. the ones that my eyes have like to jump out when they feel like it, and one time i had to drive from LA to SF with just one contact BECAUSE i wasnt prepared.

  • 8) Eye Juice, Miniature bottle. about the size of a regular eye dropper bottle, shes a life saver.

  • 9) Toothbrush. obvious.

  • 10) Ear PLugs. For when things get loud, like an unplanned night at a rock show, or drunk horny neighbors.

  • 11) Flash Drive. so ill ALLWAYS have a copy of my passport on me, plus some extra space for random files from friends or school or something... and it plays mp3s too, or it sorta does... but phil broke it.

  • 12) Pocket full of Change. ESPECIALLY usefull in the UK, change is a common means of payment. they dont issue single £1 notes, only coins. good for that random beer, a coffee, laundry and that late night ride home you werent anticipating.

  • 13) My Chimera. Good to have about just for that random thing you need to photograph, i dont know.

  • 14) Beanie. for when your head is cold- although usually its on my head allready.

Secondary Evils, Riding:

  • 1) Gloves. while the rest of you is warming up, these parts arent. its worth it.

  • 2) Bike Pump.

  • 3) Bike Lock.

  • 4) Second Outer Layer. usually a rain layer.

Secondary Evils, Central:

  • 1) Book. Mostly used during to-central-and-back trips, where youve got upwards of 3 hours collective of sitting downtime.

  • 2) Gloves. Although your walking about, they body still doesnt think to keep these parts working good.

  • 3) Scarf. It only takes once to wish you allways had one of these.

  • 4) Second Outer Layer. it might be a rain layer, but usually its a a heavier wool thing for long walking at night.

  • 5) Sunglasses. Much more usefull in a land where theres sun, but coming home from central with a mean hangover the next day is a perfectly good time to use them.

These lists are meant to exclude two key groups: weekend travel gear (like a set of clothes), and random contents that normally dont live there; beer, food, laptop, keys wallet n cellphone, small variety of womens negligee, and random purchases of the day. if you own a man-purse / urban warrior armory kit, and you have an opinion or see a glaring issue, please feel free to email me! i want to get this one right.

cheers. c money
posted by carlito sway at 17:41

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